Choosing Between Narrow and Large Decking Boards: A Comprehensive Guide

When planning your deck, one of the crucial decisions you'll face is choosing between narrow and large decking boards. Each option offers unique advantages and considerations. At Kaltimber, we are offering both options in both our smooth and rustic finishings, so we are well versed into advancing you on the best choice depending on your particular project.

To help you make an informed choice, we’ll explore the differences in aesthetics, installation, maintenance, performance, cost, handling, and environmental impact.


  • Narrow Decking Boards: Typically measuring between 3 to 4 inches in width, narrow decking boards evoke a traditional, classic look. Their smaller width creates a more detailed appearance, adding a sense of intricate texture to your outdoor space. This style is often reminiscent of older, more established homes and settings.

  • Large Decking Boards: Ranging from 5 to 7 inches or wider, large decking boards provide a contemporary, modern look. The wider boards result in fewer visible lines, giving your deck a cleaner, more streamlined appearance. This can make a space feel larger and less cluttered.


  • Narrow Decking Boards: Installing narrow boards can be more labor-intensive since more boards are needed to cover the same area. This increases the number of fasteners required, potentially raising the cost and effort involved in the installation process.

  • Large Decking Boards: Fewer large boards are needed to cover the same area, which can reduce installation time and labor costs. However, the larger boards can be heavier and more challenging to handle during installation.


  • Narrow Decking Boards: With more seams and joints, narrow boards provide more opportunities for water to penetrate and cause damage, possibly leading to increased maintenance over time. On the plus side, if one board is damaged, it's easier to replace a narrow board without it being too noticeable.

  • Large Decking Boards: Fewer seams and joints mean less opportunity for water penetration, which can translate to lower maintenance. However, replacing a damaged large board can be more cumbersome and noticeable.


  • Narrow Decking Boards: Narrow boards are generally more stable and less prone to cupping and warping due to their smaller width. This stability is particularly important in climates with significant moisture variations.

  • Large Decking Boards: These boards are more prone to cupping and warping because of their width, especially if not properly installed or maintained. However, they cover a larger area with fewer gaps, which can be beneficial for overall stability and aesthetics.


  • Narrow Decking Boards: While the cost per board may be lower, the overall installation might be more expensive due to the increased number of boards and fasteners required.

  • Large Decking Boards: Despite the higher cost per board, the overall installation cost might be lower due to fewer boards and fasteners needed, potentially balancing out the initial expense.

Weight and Handling

  • Narrow Decking Boards: Easier to handle and transport due to their smaller size and lighter weight, making them more manageable during installation.

  • Large Decking Boards: Heavier and more difficult to maneuver, requiring more effort during the installation process.

Environmental Impact

  • Narrow Decking Boards: Generally, using more boards means a higher overall use of wood to cover the same area, potentially leading to a greater environmental impact in terms of resource use.

  • Large Decking Boards: Using fewer boards to cover the same area can be more efficient from a resource standpoint, possibly reducing the environmental impact.


Choosing between narrow and large decking boards ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. Narrow boards offer a traditional look and greater stability but require more installation effort. Large boards provide a modern appearance and potentially easier maintenance but can be more challenging to install and handle.

Consider the aesthetic goals for your space, your budget, the climate, and your willingness to maintain the deck when making your decision. Whichever you choose, both narrow and large decking boards can create beautiful, functional outdoor spaces that you’ll enjoy for years to come.

Share Your Thoughts!

What kind of decking boards do you prefer for your outdoor spaces? Share your experiences and tips in the comments  section of our social medias!

By weighing these factors, you can make an informed decision that enhances the beauty and functionality of your outdoor living area. Happy decking!