Close your eyes and imagine a pristine forest, unadulterated by man’s hands, the natural ecological system regenerates automatically then sustaining all forms of life inside the extraordinary environment, without damaging the living ecosystem. This, my friend, is regarded to as sustainable development where the ecological system regenerates without damage.
Pristine forest
In the present realm, this basically means what we utilize is reusable or recyclable without needing to cause harm the true environmental equilibrium. Bottles are recycled, car parts are reused for other purposes and in economic state, a sound monetary system guarantees sufficient for all, but within specific limits. Energy is the key to building a sustainable community because fossil fuels are not reusable, and as soon as it is extracted and utilized, it is not replaceable. In a world which is practically dependent on these fuels, communities cannot be sustained in due time, and in the long run will surely face dilemma and drastic change, unless there will be an alternative resource. One primary factor sustainable development involves the utilization of energies that are recyclable or reusable or simply infinite and abundant like wind or solar energy.
Our way of living, accept and work the restrictions of the resources, are also main contribution to sustainable community, like a living forest that adapts with nature, instead of rapidly developing but quickly deteriorating. This practically means that the characteristic of a sustainable community are of one that savors natural energies, while modifies around the environment it settles.
Evidence of sustainable communities are very prevalent in our rich history, the plain Indians survived the immaculate plains of North America, together with the wolf and buffalo packs. This so-called ecological balance was upset with the destruction of these tribes in the early 19th century, and coincided with the extinction of the wolf and buffalo populace. Some experts say this extinct community was primitive. However, evidence has shown that it survived for thousands of years and generations. Hence, the community that replaced it presently experiences a crisis in sustainable development, only about less than two hundred years later.
There are several sustainable societies in the 21st century, but some nation like Brazil is a lot more sustainable as compared to other nations. Brazil imports a small amount of oil, but it operates a gigantic transport system on alternative resources like palm oil. They are very resourceful in using reclaimed wood, giving life to an old wood which in some countries are considered garbage or thrash. Ecological friendly communities slowly developing around nurturing the surrounding instead of exploiting it with a dilemma of rising industrialization – this is the problem we are facing right now.
The second part of this article will focus on the balance between industrialization and sustaining the nature’s ecological system. Ecological balance is at the edge of the cliff. How do we contribute, as a person in sustainable development without restricting the industrialization of the world? How can we be able to take part in preserving the natural gift?