The next part will pay attention on other methods that you may want to incorporate aside from cleaning.
Clean, the what to do next? A lot of power-washing contractors incorporate preservation methods to their services while some simply restrict their work to restoring its aesthetic element. Are you mulling over incorporating services aside from cleaning?
Wood restoration
Listed below are some advantages and disadvantages:
· You can obtain added business from each client.
· You can enhance your client base because you can obtain customers who only require cleaning, customers who require protection, or both.
· A lot of clients need application for finishing.
· You may return some other day to perform finishing jobs like sealing or coating.
· You can perform pressure-washing even during rainy days, but coating jobs is practically weather dependent.
· You will not receive your full payment until you finished all your work.
Wrapping up what you started. When doing wood restoration, you have to be cautious that three classifications of finish products are prevalent: stain products, wood preservation products, and water repellant products. Basically, the regular paint job can reach up to ten years while stain, preservative protection and water repellant can last within a maximum period of three years.
Water repellant products has two major drawbacks. Even carefully applying them, water can still go inside the tiny pores of the wood. To add, water repellant only supplies protection for short term.
On the other hand, wood preservative products can protect wood from a broad array of elements like insects, decay, mildew and termites. When purchasing wood that has been pressure preserved, bear in mind that it already possess protection against insects, decay and termites. Lastly, stain products are practically paints that manufactures have slow down. Aside from looking attractive, stains also give the similar ultra violet ray protection that paints do. Look for stains that contain “titanium dioxide” and stains possessing solid colors, to avail of the maximum amount of protection.
Listed below are some tips and tricks to aid you in applying finishing jobs excellently:
· Always check on the direction of the manufacturer because more often than not, these supply tips on how to apply.
· Always make a test patch if you are doubtful about the possible outcome.
· After pressure washing, look at the wood to ensure it has fully dried.
· Never apply the finishing element in direct sunlight.
· Never worry so much in terms of coating your undersides. In a lot of cases, this is not essential.
· Use cardboard spray shields to aid you in masking the complex areas.
· Take out oversprays or drips while they are still not dry.
· Whatever your purpose is, a professional type drop fabric can do excellent work as compared to plastic sheets.
· Spray first before you brush on.
· Air sprayer can also be an excellent tool if it is properly set up.
· Bear in mind though, that if you are spraying watery element, an airless sprayer can accumulate a lot of misting.