Biofilter with wood chips.
Water recycling is hastily obtaining popularity around the globe. Water bills are rapidly increasing and water availability and quality are decreasing in a lot of regions all over the world. Gray water is utilize as an efficient way to conserve water while saving substantial amount of money that basically just flows down the drain of your house. Listed below are five easy steps to help you, your household and the entire community in recycling water right at your very home:
· KNOW THE REGULATIONS BEFORE YOU INIITALIZE: You have to know the rules before you start your water recycling. You have to check your local codes in order for you to know more about what type of water systems are permitted in your community. Some country or city codes have minimal or nothing to say about the recycling gray water while some have restrictive rules and regulations intact.
· PINPOINT THE SOURCES OF YOUR GRAY WATER: There are some classified potential gray water sources at your house. An excellent and efficient source of gray water should have easily access plumbing and it should not comprise harsh sewage and chemicals. You have to avoid toilet and batch water since these kinds of sources could obtain dangerous elements like pathogens. The kitchen sink is an excellent place to begin.
· YOU HAVE TO MULL OVER WHERE TO UTILIZE YOUR GREYWATER: Gray water can be utilized to water a flower bed, a tree, a vegetable garden, or any combination of these. Know your area in your back or front yard that could utilize recycled water. Efficient locations for gray water should be close to and a bit lower than gray water source.
· SELECT YOUR VERY OWN GRAY WATER SYSTEM: There are a lot of options when selecting a gray water system. You can have a system professionally initialized and installed or you can engage in a do-it-yourself type of project if you feel you can initialize a simple plumbing system. To begin, you have to bear in mind that simplicity is beauty. The simplest system to install is basically a pipe that runs from the source drain to the exit place and discharges underneath a bed of mulch. Having the gray water discharge under or beneath the surface is crucial because standing surface can simply cause accumulation of bacteria and other harmful elements.
· LEARN WATER RECYCLING SYSTEM MAINTENANCE: A lot of gray water is regarded as low maintenance. If you utilize the simple drain method describe at the onset, you should not have to do anything on it regularly. If the system is clogged with anything, you should not pour any harmful chemicals on your gray water system.
With natural washing machine products this scheme is easily doable - source
If you start minimal, maintaining and installing recycling water using gray water system can be fun and easy. Your plants will simply enjoy the extra nutrient rich water, and you will surely enjoy knowing you are simply saving and contributing to sustainable development. Low water bills are just bonus.
In next two weeks article we will get into more details about what is gray water as well as clean and black water and its economical advantages.
We can easily see where most of the water is going and how we can recycle some to lower other.