Almost everything nowadays is eco-friendly; from the food that we eat to the water bottle we are using, all are starting to considerate Mother Nature. But didn’t you know that even up to the kind of material we are using for home decors and interior design, Mother Nature is first to be considered? Here’s why and what to choose.
One thing to consider is the aggressive effect of the material used for interior design. It can even be health threatening to humans. So as time goes by, people are becoming more cautious in dressing up their homes. They opt to use eco-friendly materials not only because of health and environment reasons, but because it can be very affordable too.
Choose Non-Toxic Paint. Eco-friendly paint could be the best investment in any interior design. There are the toxic and the non-toxic, and the latter is always the winning choice. Non-toxic paint does not contain lead and may reduce landfill, groundwater and ozone contaminants through the years. Usually, non-toxic paints are odours free. This alone is very beneficial already to our health. Although it may be a bit pricey compared to the toxic ones, you can definitely feel the difference once it is painted on the wall and its long term effect can be priceless.
Next would be the wood. Yes, wood never go out of style and makes your home look natural, earthy and yet classy. Match your eco-friendly paint with sustained and reclaimed wood for your interior design options. From your floor to ceiling, to bits and pieces of small furniture inside your home, wood is going to fulfil your goal to have an eco-friendly home.
Hardwood flooring . Warm and classy.
Sustained and reclaimed woods are wood products which are made from managed forests. These are woods that did not undergo through the usual clear-cutting process. What they usually do is they select few trees, cut them down, and re-plant again giving the tree time to regenerate again. This kind of process made it eco-friendly. It does not reduce the number of trees we have in our forests.
Finally, put an eco-friendly floor with the right carpet tiles. Once you are done with the walls, it’s time to put in the eco-friendly idea to your floor. Now this may be crucial since you really need a solid ground to carry the whole house. Instead of putting a traditional carpet tile, opt to a more environment friendly tiles. Example of this is the modular carpet tiles which you can change if one tile gets damaged. These are recyclables and have raw materials that can never damage the environment, at the same time, very beneficial to health since it has an indoor air quality.
Mud, stone and wood. Work of art by our friends of Mud sustainable home in Penestanan, Bali.
These are the basic major areas you need to address when doing an interior design. And since the main goal is to make an eco-friendly home, switch the tradition type of materials for your walls, furniture, and floor, into a pro Mother Nature home. Eco-friendly materials are not restrictive so you have plenty of options to decide. This is what makes it more fun in doing eco-friendly interior design.