Bamboo: The Tree of Life, its Properties, History, and Care; A Great Wood Element

Bamboo and Bamboo Furniture: Wood is an excellent selection in terms of outdoor furniture elements, but unluckily for some people, it does not come as cost-efficient. A sole chair ranges from 150-200 dollars, and a full set is an easy grand. But if you are only after the feel and look of a wood, there are other cheap options, just like the bamboo. Further, if you don’t consider furniture as a huge investment of money, bamboo is the most practical option. Read out to know more about bamboo:


Sun rise on a bamboo forest

Sun rise on a bamboo forest

HISTORY: The Chinese were and up to this point in time, hold the record for the top producers and users of the wonder bamboo. Though it is not a surprise, the earliest bamboo items that was found, mostly household products and weapons belonged to the Chinese several thousand years ago. Before the emergence of paper, bamboo slips are utilized as a medium for writing, making it a key component in the propagation of Chinese language and culture. Bamboo was also utilized for tiles, shoes, roofs, and still emerged as a key ingredient in Asian cuisine.

In the western part of the globe, people were finding a lot more uses of bamboo. The first telephone made by Alexander Graham Bell was made of bamboo, and the filament used by Thomas Edison to create the world’s first light bulb was bamboo. Bamboo blinds, bowl, mats, and other ornamental items also became famous. At this point in time, the utilization of bamboo has spread to artistic elements like musical instruments and sculptures. It has also taken the construction industry as it is used in making floors, doors, walls and roofs. It is also used as an alternative medicine nowadays.


PROPERTIES and USES: Bamboo is basically classified as grass with a woody, hard stem that reaches its full height in about a year or so. This makes it an environmentally sound element, that is, heavy harvesting has practically minimal environmental impact. It is considered to be one of the fastest-growing plants all over the globe, which is why it still one of the most abundant species despite being utilized rampantly for the last several thousand years. The bamboo stem can be used as a strong wood-like material but has a lightweight feature. When the strips are fastened together, the resulting compound is ideal for buildings, such as scaffolding and pillar. A lot of traditional houses are entirely made of bamboo. It can also be utilized for suspension bridges in most parts of Asia.


Manner of GROWING: Bamboo grows invasively, with their roots immediately forming an underground system that does not require intense attention. In other words, they are self sustaining. Nutrients coming from the leaves travel down the visible stems up to the rhizomes. The grove remains alive even if the bamboo dies. Further, the effort is mainly focused on how to control it rather than how to propagate it. Bamboo growers either prune the culms or put a solid barrier to maintain it from invading other properties. The stems are the useful parts in manufacturing. After harvesting, the culms are cut in lengthwise. They are also boiled and milled to flatten the edges. The strips are fastened together, either face to face or edge to edge. In edge to edge style, they are basically laminated together in three layers in order to make them sturdier and thicker. Lastly, they are milled and pressed to make sure that they are structurally bonded together. They are sometimes carbonized and subjected to high intense temperature (below burning) to achieve dark and rich finish. Pale yellow is the natural color and is equally enticing to people.


FURNITURE: Furniture made of bamboo possesses an earthy, light feel that is suitable for open areas like patios, balconies and porches. When properly built, it can possess similar structural integrity like many hardwoods, but being regarded as a grass, it is significantly versatile and lighter. Bamboo is an excellent choice to renovate your room every now and then. And because of its extreme resistance, bamboo makes excellent storage pieces like cabinets and bookshelves. The lighter parts are basically utilized in making dressers and stools while the harder elements are made in to sofas and huge tables.


MAINTENANCE AND CARE: Bamboo is overly sensitive to water. So be extra cautious not to over-wash it or soak it in the rain. Cleaning is done occasionally using a damp or dry cloth. Remove the dust and grit using a vacuum cleaner or even a mop. Bamboo is also sensitive to spills so you have to wipe it immediately to avoid water marks and stains.

You do not have to be a hardcore conservationist to appreciate bamboo as furniture. Its natural aesthetic look makes it more appealing even as compared to the pricey woods. As long as you know the proper maintenance and care, your bamboo furniture can surpass your money’s worth.


Design furniture

Design furniture

History of wood balusters: A closer look at spindles

Whether they are regarded as wood columns, spindles or balusters, it does not alter the fact that they are a wood product and you regularly see it but very rare to think about. In this day and age, spindles, balusters and columns can be stone, metal, or wood; but for the purpose of this article, we pay much attention to wood element. Regardless of its component, the available variation in terms of manufacturing balusters speaks to their broad aesthetics and appeal.

While balusters are regarded as a famous wood product at this point, their story goes a little deeper than that. They are also a part of rich history. From the modern day age to prehistoric times, spindles, balusters and wood columns have morphed in to a uniform and sleek shafts utilized for decoration, support, and stability in everything from the columns of the ancient fortresses to the porches and even stairway of your very home.

The style and shape of balusters emanated from the etymology of the word, which originates from the Italian word “balustra” which means “wild pomegranate flower”. Balusters were named after this because of their similarity to pomegranate flower that is half-open.

While the etymology directs toward Italian origins where balusters eventually became famous in the period of Renaissance, they actually date earlier to the Assyrian Palaces of Ancient Mesopotamia. In this regard, they were utilized as window balustrades which are tagged as a row of balusters. As time went by, they were in the balconies of the palaces in Verona and Venice, where they can still be found up to this point in time.

Historians on Architectural developments are having a difficulty in pinpointing an inventor of the modern column or baluster. But, the limelight is being enjoyed by Guiliano da Sangallo, the famous architect of Tuscany’s Medici Villa. Because of the baluster’s linked to the Medici Clan, it also obtained and excellent privilege in the works of Michelangelo, whom the family has dearly loved and looked up to over the years. As time passed by, balusters have also been regarded as spindles and columns.

Over the years, wood balusters and columns of all complexities and sizes have been utilized primarily as cabinet accents, porches, spindles, railing supports and even newels. At this point in time, balusters have been prevalent in these applications and more innovations, in both commercial and homes. It has proven over time its appeal, use, and immortal aesthetic.

Various models of wooden balusters

Various models of wooden balusters


Thanks to C. Subijano for sharing this article.


The essence of using reclaimed barn wood

Hundreds of years ago, a wise king once said, “There is nothing new under the sun.” The statement was real then and still prevalent as of the very moment. You do not believe it? Then look at the emergence of utilizing items like paper, metal, old furniture, wood and a lot more that we once would have tossed. Today, we shell out some time looking for schemes to incorporate those old elements to be something appealing and well-blended in the contemporary scheme. One element that is immensely famous is reclaimed barn wood.

There are a lot of reasons that individuals are leaning towards using reclaimed wood instead of going to the lumber shop and buying a new one. Listed below are some of them:

Reclaim wood waiting to be re-used

Reclaim wood waiting to be re-used

1.      In a realm where we are practically looking for manners to recycle, it is time to go back to the fundamentals. So let us start with wood. By utilizing reclaimed barn wood, you are contributing in preserving the forest and using the resources responsibly which the nature provides.

 2.      Setting up the use of reclaimed barn wood takes minimal toll on the environment.

 3.      It would take more energy to process new lumber as compared to reclaimed barn wood for a project.

 4.      Because today’s contemporary design often wants wood from your virgin trees, those commercially grown are practically long enough to obtain their optimized size. Basically, utilizing reclaimed wood gives you the freedom to have longer planks of wood in terms of cut, making it ideal for bigger projects.

 5.      And because reclaimed wood has been regarded as durable, it is fully dried out and can stand the test of time as compared to new lumber.

 6.      Every element of reclaimed wood is practically different. So, you can be able to come up with an extraordinary design and pattern. This scheme in color and patterning makes it ideal for flooring, ceiling, countertops and a lot more decorative elements such as accent walls in office or home.

 7.      Reclaimed barn wood is oftentimes regarded as story wood or historical wood because each piece tells a story. When you buy reclaimed wood, you have to make sure to ask about the wood’s history. After all, there is something extraordinary special in terms of acquiring a piece of history.

 8.      When it is utilized for a project, where it will not be stepped on, there is no need to treat it using stains or sealants. Thus, it is faster to install. When using reclaimed wood for flooring, it can be prepared with minimal sanding, and staining is only an option. But, in terms of staining you do not mind about the integrity of the wood as staining will only showcase the wood’s imperfections that make it unique and a cut above the rest. There are a lot of sources of reclaimed wood. You can find some in salvage shops, on the property area by visiting thrift shops and even contracting a company to make new lumber appear like old ones. But regardless of where you acquire, you are ensured to be overly satisfied with the finished project in which it is utilized.

So, do you have anything in mind? Start now!

Reclaim ulin (ironwood) beam

Reclaim ulin (ironwood) beam






Wood Finishing: Torn Between using Seal or Varnish

PART 2/2

What is a sealer? A Sealer is a mixture of oils and resins as well. However, it produces low viscosity as compared to varnish, which simply means that the sealer practically penetrates in to the wood to nourish and protect not only the outside but more importantly, the inside. It is fundamental to apply three coats of sealer to wood surfaces because the initial coat will simply penetrate inside. The second coat binds with the first coat, forming a seal.  The final coat, on the other hand, provides protection from scratch, heat and water.



Selear can be used to almost any timber wood. It can be used interior or exterior. And there are several classification of varnish that is also destined for interior and exterior temperate. Ultra-violet stabilizers are incorporated to exterior sealers to shield and guard against sunlight. Some also contain fungus and mold protectors. Before using any sealer to your outside wood, you have to make sure to check the label that the product meets all your climate and temperature conditions.

Now, pretty much we have an idea between a sealer and a varnish and it makes a significant sense as to which can be utilized for a specific project. Sealers are best recommended for any types of surface while varnish is a lot better for indoor woods where there is minimal chance of moisture or high humidity. It is best recommended for laundry room, bathroom, or kitchen cabinets.

Listed below are some tips and tricks when using sealer or varnish for wood finishing:

·         Do not wipe your brush in the inside of the tin because it adds bubbles. There is a great chance that it can spoil the finishing of your project.

·         Do not apply too little or too much. It needs to have a practice on a wood scrap so that you will get the feel of it before applying it on your desired project.

·         Use the varnish or sealer in coherence with the wood grain and work away from an edge, this time with a smoother finishing.

·         Should bugs or dirt elements spoil the wood surface while it is still not dry, just leave it there because you will just ruin the finish it you touch it. Wait until the coat is perfectly dried and use fine steel wool or the finest sand paper to sand away the blemishes.

·         You have to wait for the initial coating to perfectly dry before putting the second coating. A tacky initial coat will just simply spoil and you will have to sand everything away and begin all over again.

·         If you are eyeing an intense gloss finish, lightly sand between coats except the final coating.

Now, that’s all about it. If you follow these parameters on the first and last articles, you will achieve a perfectly beautiful project that can be a center of attraction in your home. For tips and ideas as well as inspiration for decors and furniture that you can incorporate to your home, you can visit our website shop or contact us to develop your next custom project!


Wood Finishing: Torn Between using Seal or Varnish

Being in line with wood workshops, I am frequently asked about the distinction between whether to seal or varnish a finished project. Both are efficient and great finishing methods especially when applied in an appropriate element.

Did you know that the internal component of wood comprise a lot of microscopic tubes or cells that run to and from the timber grain. These series of cells carry with them nutrients that are important for the growth of trees and, as soon as dried and cut, they continue to contract and expand under similar conditions of humidity and extreme moisture.

Even after a synthetic finished has been utilized to the wood surface, the wood continues to expand depending on the outside temperature in which it is stationed. It is not a method that you are going to find out easily but there are some ready indicators that this is not occurring. For example, during a wet weather, you may notice that an exterior garage door or a wooden gate will stick and swell a lot. You may even have a difficulty in opening a timber window. This is because of the fact that the wood has expanded as an outcome of excess moisture that was absorbed in the wood.

In turn, the expanded wood will basically revert back and dry out to its original condition, although sometimes minimal sanding down may be needed. Taking these basic factors in to consideration, when deciding what kind of finishing to apply to your wood projects, it helps to have an idea about little information beforehand.

Herringbone flooring being varnished

Herringbone flooring being varnished

What is Varnish? Varnish is an infusion of oils and resins that are utilized and applied to the wood surface to supply a safety layer to protect against damage. Varnish is available in several formulations from matt finish to semi-gloss to gloss finish. Polyurethane varnish is the most commonly used varnish for finishing.

It is known that varnish does not specifically penetrate into the wood. It is the other way around. The first coat of varnish practically blocks the wood surface to supply added protection from unwanted moisture.

But, because of regular contraction and expansion of timber, the layer of varnish may perish and crack overtime which gives freedom for the moisture to go inside the wood and simply aggravating the problem.

So, are you enticed? You basically know something about the components and features of a varnish. On the next article, we will discuss some relevant facts regarding a sealer. And to conclude the topic, we will give you some tips and tricks on how to use either a varnish or a sealer. This article will aid you in choosing what to use as wood finishing. And after reading the whole of it, I am pretty sure that you will have something in mind.

The positive and negative impact of deforestation

Part 2/2



On the initial installment of this article, we talked about the positive impact of deforestation. Today, we will discuss the other side of the coin. And unfortunately, the disadvantages of deforestation far outweigh its benefits. Listed below are some of the negative impacts of Deforestation:

1.      Soil is purposely exposed to rain and heat. When forests are being cleared, vegetation which acts as soil cover is removed as well. The bare soil is exposed to extreme scenarios which are produced by the natural rainwater and the heat of the sun. With these natural alternating activities, the soil has a tendency to immediately compact. As rainwater flows through it, nutrients are washed out as well as other organic materials which make the soil fertile and rich. Further, regular cropping, grazing and tilling slowly results in degradation of the soil; making its quality inferior.


These activities are crucial concerns in areas where forest locations are much dry. Agricultural activities on top of deforestation can practically result in the desertification of majority of vast lands. Desertification is also a direct impact of the demand to the soil to product more because of increase in its population, thereby lessening to a serious degree of the lands occupying capacity.


2.      Non-suitability of deforested areas for conversion. A lot of the areas that have experienced deforestation are basically not suitable for long-term agricultural activities like farming and ranching. As soon as deprived of its forest cover, the lands immediately degrade in quality, thereby losing their arability and fertility.

The soil in a lot of deforested regions is similarly not suitable for maintaining annual crop products. A lot of the grassy communities are also not as productive as compared to more arable regions and ergo, unfit for cattle grazing and poultry raising.


3.      Flooding. Deforestation can bring watersheds that do not have the capacity to regulate and sustain flow of water from streams and rivers. Trees are immensely efficient in the process of absorbing water in volumes, maintaining the amount of watersheds in a normal level. The forest is also regarded as ca cover to prevent seepage and erosion. As soon as they are gone, big amount of water may result into flashfloods, a lot of which caused disasters in parts around the globe.

Once the topsoil which is fertile, is flooded into lower regions, a lot of coral reefs and coastal fisheries suffer sedimentation which is caused by the flooding. This may result in negative effects in the economic viability of several businesses and significant fatalities in the wildlife habitat.


4.      The eradication of indigenous communities and their ethnical way of living. When governments decide to undergo deforestation mainly to open its doors for civilized communities, access to forests’ natural resources by ethnical groups are basically taken for granted. To tell you the truth, ethnical groups are often ignored in political and economic decisions that mainly affect their lives. This encroachment makes their rights taken for granted as much as it takes away the natural resources that their forefathers have bestowed on them.


5.      The loss of significant amount of biodiversity. This is practically the most serious disadvantage and impact of deforestation. Simply put, it means the extinction and destruction of a lot of animal and plant species, a lot of whom remain unknown and whose benefits will be left undisclosed. Every year, as deforestation continues to emerge, a lot of the wilderness from which we avail of a lot of benefits and would have continued to benefit will forever be eradicated. With it are tons of chances in the form of wildlife that could supply us tons of medical and economic resources to issues we are currently facing.


We cannot deny the fact that deforestation has given us chances to enhance our lives; we have not mastered the perfect kind of responsibility that goes with having control over the earth’s resources. As an outcome, we and thousands of other species on earth suffer immensely from the consequences of our actions.

This article is too short to discuss a lot of issues relative to deforestation. Let us slowly unravel what this has to offer in our future articles.






The positive and negative impact of deforestation

Part 1/2 - Part two will be published next Monday.


Mother Earth, and every living creature that depends on its captivity – from the smallest living organism to the largest living sea creatures rest on a very crucial element which is balance. A sole, intense harmless disturbance that would hinder balance has different outcomes that are two-way. It can be both advantageous and disadvantageous. One of these elements is the so-called DEFORESTATION.

Forest, the lungs of the planet

Forest, the lungs of the planet

What is Deforestation? Basically, deforestation has been a household name especially in a lot of developing countries. It has made a great impact to the development of civilization as we know more of it at this point in time. Unluckily, a lot of the ill effects of deforestation are caused by inappropriate agricultural and farm practices, greed, neglect and ignorance of government.

Why forests are essential to mankind? Aside from its natural beauty, forests are in-charge and accountable in sustaining and maintaining global ecosystem. To tell you the truth, a lot of the quality of life we are experiencing as of the moment, we owe it to the forests. It is also considered as the habitat of nearly more than half of all the organisms and creatures in this planet.

From the staple element, food to herbal medicines and other components of survival, forests supplies the human kind a plethora of gifts that give significant immeasurable amount to our way of life.

Now let us pay attention on the advantages of deforestation. It is basically dependent on the needs of the social community concern; deforestation has helped communities to be built. Forests are the key ingredients in building residential houses, factories, and buildings. Government has the capacity to construct roads to make transportation and trade faster and a lot convenient to people. This turn is the realization of the development of each community.

On the other hand, deforestation can also be regarded as the conversion of forest land to productive land destined for poultry and agricultural components. The outcome is an efficient and plentiful production of material and food, seemingly avoiding periods of needs and lack. On the economical side, deforestation has contributed a lot in supplying communities the chance to make positive changes in their way of living.  But, it is not advantages at all. There is a counterpart disadvantage of reforestation and the negative consequences of it will surely make a big impact in the world.

On the next article, we will tackle the negative consequences of deforestation and how the world reacts to rampant deforestation. What are the impact, isolated or not, of deforestation, not only to the way of living, but to humankind as a whole. You will be able to see in the next article that the disadvantages far outweigh its advantages. The effects are seriously scary.

It is one of Kaltimber missions to promote an eco-friendly and sustainable way of using wood materials to protect our forest.


The Advantages of utilizing Reclaim Wood as Furniture

Based on its studies, the United Nation Environment Program, there are presently twelve species of trees that are on the watch and regarded as an endangered. A lot of these have been famous choices to make cabinets, furniture, musical instruments, and several other items utilized by people. On a yearly basis, with an approximation of forty (40) million hectares of the earth’s forests are swiped for this purpose. As our limited resources immediately comes to a close, consumers and companies alike are searching for methods and techniques to consolidate environmental responsibility in to their way of living.

Ulin log transformed in stool and finished with a butterfly joint.

Ulin log transformed in stool and finished with a butterfly joint.

Energy conservation, paper-less theory, and recycling have been there long before.  Another efficient way to become environment-friendly is by furnishing your home with reclaimed wood furniture.

Instead of being thrashed, old woods from dismantled buildings and homes is refurbished, harvested, rejuvenated and given a renaissance as dresser or coffee table. The use of reclaim wood can supply a positive environmental impact beyond the preservation of virgin trees. A lot of builders also utilize non-toxic paints and glue as well as natural oil finishes.

The main objective is to come up with a high quality, beautiful product while giving the environment a breather and develop as soon as possible. Reclaimed wood yields stylish yet rustic type of furniture. In several cases, it is difficult to regard the piece is not brand new. In some cases as well, evidence such as rustic nail holes or saw marks are retained for a purpose, supplying an antique feel, well-worn appeal. It can be tailored to suit a vast array of homeowners’ tastes and feels and can be blended with traditional, rustic, or contemporary tastes.

There is also a sense of mystery surrounding a piece of reclaimed wood product. Your night shelf could emanate from a turn of the century raw house or a barn. Or maybe it was salvaged from a neighbor’s unused deck. Whatever the case is, it has a story to tell and history of its own.

At the end of the day, the cost efficient factor of this type of furniture is a lot more enticing to buyers. Even though hand-made furniture can be expensive, reclaimed materials are basically cheaper as compared to brand new items. Reclaimed wood is basically treated and pre-cut, lessening expenses significantly.

Any property owned with a taste for nostalgic feels, an eye for a stylish theme, and a goal to protect and preserve our natural resources would be wise to mull over buying reclaimed wood furniture. Whatever your goal is, reclaimed wood is the “in” thing as of the moment. Let’s just say that yesterday’s pieces are the most loved pieces of today and still embraced until tomorrow.

As for us, at Kaltimber, we are not fully dedicated to furniture but to decking and flooring in reclaim wood. All the character and history carried in each and every single piece makes all our projects unique. Our leftover are used to create unique piece of furniture on occasion.

How to Identify the Best Lumber for Your Woodworking

One of the major reasons for people to not make their own furniture or woodwork is the lack of knowledge to choose the right lumber. While identifying which lumber to use is an extremely confusing process, knowing a few basic tips can get you through the process a lot more easily. So, here are a few pointers that will help you decide which lumber to use for your next woodworking project.

Hardwood or Softwood?

Whether you need hardwood lumber or softwood depends entirely on the type of woodwork you are building. Some projects can also require a mix of both, for instance, a violin has a soft Spruce to work as a soundboard and the back of it is made with hardwood like Maple. Similarly, the bottom of a workbench is made using less expensive softwood and the top is made with durable Hardwood.

By using common logic we can figure which parts of furniture are needed to be durable and which parts to be cheap. Use durable wood for the places of furniture where it is more likely to take a beating and use easy softwood for the places that do not take much tension.

Janka Wood Hardness Test

Lumber industries often use Janka Hardness Test to determine woods for hardness. On the basis of this test, they rate common woods for hardness. This technique involves a steel ball pressed hard into the wood, then the pressure required to gauge the ball halfway inside the wood is calculated and the hardness of that particular wood species is determined based on the pressure calculated.

Obviously, for a common man to carry a steel ball to gauge into the wood can sometimes prove to be difficult, hence it is much simpler to ask the factory men itself and depending upon their results, you can choose which wood is perfect for your woodwork or consider the chart below.

Janka rating for some US wood

Janka rating for some US wood

Different Types of Wood Milling Cuts

If you are creating a fine piece of furniture or woodwork, it is recommended to use the most stable wood you can find. However, to know which plank of wood is most stable, you first need to understand the different types in which the wood is cut. Mainly, there are four different types of wood milling cuts, namely Flat Sawn, Rift Sawn, Quarter Sawn and Riven Sawn.

Among these four types, the most stable type is Riven Sawn. The most stable planks are obtained by cutting or are “riven” directly from the log. These are considered as the most beautiful wood boards with the best quality flecks pattern and design. So why don’t lumber factories sell these “Riven Sawn” boards more often? That’s because they don’t have it as they use powerful sawing machines to get the most wood out of a single log.

The best way to get hands on these Riven Sawn boards is by cutting them yourself. Riven boards require more of muscle power and hand tools like chain saw, wedges and hatchets. However, if you cannot do it all by yourself, you can buy the “Quarter spawn” as they too are similar to Riven Sawn and have beautiful flecks pattern.

Milling wood lumber cut chart

Milling wood lumber cut chart


You can always look for advise of a professional woodworker. We. at Kaltimber, are always happy to share our knowledge to carpenter enthusiast and be part of your project.

Oak and Maple: The Mutt and Jeff of Hardwood Flooring


In the United States and all over the globe, the most famous trees grown are the oak tree and the maple tree. While we are on the subject, these two trees are regarded as the world’s Mutt and Jeff in the hardwood flooring industry. These woods possess classic character and appearance, aesthetically fit for any type of home designs and structure, extremely durable, and suitable for an array of interior design tastes. Being grown domestically, they are also considered cost efficient and affordable.

Oak belongs to the Quercus family while Maple to the Acer family. Both woods are sold in hard and soft qualities depending on the needs. But Hardwood Oak and Maple for floorings are the bomb in the wood industry!

The crucial distinctions between the appearances of these classy hardwoods are the large markings and pores of the oak tree. You will immediately know that it is oak when you see it because of the large natural rings that run through the wood. On the other hand, the pores of the maple trees are so negligible to invisible. This gives the maple tree a smooth effect and texture. And in terms of appearance, it makes it more applicable to super gloss finishes.


Further, oak and maple trees both reacts effectively with antiquing system like hand-scraping, dyes, and can be paired both in engineered and solid products. Colors and pigments and different stain naturally settle into these woods and highlighting the beauty as well as their natural rings and grooves which is totally not distracting. Furthermore, Oak and Maple do have same characteristics. Being both durable and lightweight, these woods are mainly used not only in floors but also in cabinetry, balusters, bowling lanes, baseball bats, and other custom woodwork items. Oakwood is highly resistant to fungal and insect infestations.  The Oak tree blooms in spring season while Maple blooms in late winter or early summer.

However, Oakwood is best recommended for properties that calls for a need to have it water-resistant or even decay resistant wood. Oakwood supplies a lot of options when talking about grain patterns. It will surely offer a classy look when paired with steels on a conventional-barn steel-wood design. Maple wood is lighter, cost efficient, and blends well with contemporary designs for indoor projects. Maple and oak can even last for more than a hundred years when maintained and treated properly. And the more they aged, the higher the value it will shell out to your property.

More often than not, these two species are great elements of a home especially when it is utilized and positioned properly. Either of the two when used will add value to your property. The only thing that you have to consider is to know your style and what will suit you. But hey, you can never go wrong with the Mutt and Jeff of Hardwood floors!