The Hidden Dangers of Reclaimed Wood: Why a Metal Detector is Essential

Reclaimed wood is a treasure trove of history and character. At Kaltimber, we specialise in salvaging ironwood from disused structures like old boats, bridges, warehouses, houses, and jetties, turning these forgotten pieces into beautiful, functional materials for new projects. 

However, working with reclaimed wood comes with its own set of challenges, one of the most significant being hidden metal objects.

The Allure of Reclaimed Wood

Reclaimed wood has an unmatched aesthetic appeal. Each piece carries a unique story, etched into its grain by time and the elements. The wood we salvage often showcases stunning patinas and remarkable durability, especially ironwood, known for its strength and resistance to decay. These characteristics make reclaimed wood highly desirable for furniture, flooring, and decorative pieces.

The Hidden Perils

Despite its many benefits, reclaimed wood can hide numerous hazards. Over years or even decades, these wooden structures have likely accumulated various metal objects. Nails, screws, bolts, and other metal fasteners are often embedded deep within the wood, invisible to the naked eye. Some of these nails are visible, but here are some reasons why these mostly hidden metal objects are problematic:

1. Tool Damage: Encountering metal objects can quickly ruin saw blades, chisels, and other cutting tools. This not only interrupts your work but also leads to expensive repairs or replacements. High-quality tools are an investment, and metal objects can significantly shorten their lifespan.

2. Safety Risks: Hidden metal can pose serious safety risks. When metal meets power tools, it can cause dangerous situations, such as kickbacks or flying debris. These incidents can result in injuries, making safety a paramount concern when working with reclaimed wood.

3. Wood Integrity: Metal objects can compromise the structural integrity of the wood. They can create weak points or cause internal damage that isn't immediately visible. Removing these objects ensures that the reclaimed wood remains strong and durable for its new purpose.

The Metal Detector Solution

To mitigate these risks, using a metal detector is an essential step when preparing reclaimed wood for new projects. Here’s how a metal detector can help:

1. Detection: A metal detector allows you to locate hidden nails, screws, bolts, and other metal objects embedded in the wood. This step is crucial before cutting, planing, or working the wood with any tools.

2. Protection: By identifying and removing metal objects, you protect your tools from damage and ensure a smoother, more efficient woodworking process. This not only saves money on tool maintenance but also extends the life of your equipment.

3. Safety: Removing hidden metal objects significantly reduces the risk of accidents, creating a safer work environment. This precaution is especially important in professional settings where safety standards must be upheld.

4. Preservation: Ensuring that reclaimed wood is free from metal objects preserves its structural integrity and aesthetic appeal after plugging the holes. This careful preparation means that the wood can be used confidently in high-quality, durable projects.


At Kaltimber, we understand the value and potential of reclaimed wood. By using a metal detector, we ensure that every piece of ironwood we salvage is safe and ready for transformation into something new and beautiful. This attention to detail not only protects our tools and workers but also guarantees that our reclaimed wood meets the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship.

Whether you're a seasoned woodworker or a DIY enthusiast, taking the time to detect and remove hidden metal objects from reclaimed wood is a vital step. Embrace the history and character of reclaimed wood while ensuring safety and excellence in every project.