Sylvotherapy, 8 advantages and benefits

The sylvotherapy is a practice that consists in enhancing the health condition of the mind and body by linking with the energy of the trees. This therapeutic approach is made with the help of the energy, vibrations, coming from the trees. Direct contact or physical contact with trees would be extremely beneficial to people.

It is recognized in the Japanese country as a method of relaxation in its own right and as a nucleus of policy of preventive medicine and is regarded as an ancient practice. It is widely recognized for centuries but forgotten as times go by with the advent of urbanization and industrialization.

Regularly known as Shinrin Yoku, by the Japanese Forest Agency, it means to say “forest baths”, this kind of method promoted in the early eighties had to wait until the advent of the nineties, to be studied by scientists.

Notable points to mull over in 1995 for several subjects who spent almost an hour in the forest in the morning and afternoon were decreased fatigue, tension and anxiety. There were also findings of decreased salivary cortisol. Other studies have reinforced this research, such as decreased blood glucose levels in some diabetics and enhanced natural killer cells and immunoglobulin, M, G, and A levels in the blood of people engaging in sylvotherapy.

hardwoood tree love

Image by Wildschuetz

 Benefits and Advantages of sylvotherapy

Here are some benefits of sylvotherapy if you are not convinced with what it is all about. There are tons of advantages that this method can bring in to one’s plate:

  • The physical proximity or direct contact of humans with trees as well as the linkage of people to the energetic vibration that trees emit supplies a general emotional, physical and energetic overall well-being.

  • Enhancing and reinforcing immune functions

  • Control and maintenance of mood disorders as well as those linked with depression. It puts the person to a normal state of serenity and increase of positive hormones.

  • It helps fight against premature cell aging for people with a significant decrease in dopamine and noradrenaline which are essential vectors of stress. It also helps reduce anxiety.

  • Significant enhancement in the activity of NK lymphocytes which is more commonly known as natural killer cells or null lymphocytes. These types of cell are made in the bone marrow and are designed to produce chemicals that destroys cancer cells.

  • Decrease blood pressure and the adiponectin level in the blood which means reduce heart risks.

  • Increase threshold of concentration for kids with attention deficiency and positive effects on creative and cognitive function.

  • Strengthening of focus, concentration, efficiency and productivity in adults.

Truly indeed, the magic of the forest and the trees in particular, can do wonders to one’s health. In can definitely aid people in going back to the right shape. There are a lot of benefits that wooden forests can give not only for sustenance or construction but also for human well-being.

koala tree hug

Image by Fablegros