The Rainforest Canopy

About fifty to ninety percent of existences in the rainforests are regarded in the trees, above the shaded forest surface. Main tropical rainforest is vertically divided into five classes: the overstory, the canopy, the understory, the shrub layer and the forest floor. Each class has its own extraordinary animal and plant species blending with the ecosystem surrounding them.

The overstory denotes to the crowns of emergent trees which grows up to a hundred feet above the rest of the canopy. On the other hand, the canopy is the thick ceiling of closely spaced branches and their trees, while the understory denotes a widely spaced, minimal tree species and individuals that compose a broken layer below the canopy. The shrub layer showcases shrubby species and minimal trees that grow with a maximum height of twenty (20) feet off the forest floor. In other words, this is the ground layer of the forest made up of the tree trunks, low growing vegetation and fungus. This layer varies from forest to forest, but is considered as an efficient component of the mechanical and vegetative forest structures.

The overstory showcases a scattered emergent trees that umbrella above the rest of the canopy. This exceeds more than two hundred ten (210) feet. On the other hand, below the overstory trees lies the canopy which broadens from wide distances. This has an effect of seamlessness when observe from above. But despite the overlapping tree branches, canopies rarely touch each other. They are somehow separated from one another seemingly respecting each area. Why the branches of these trees do not touch is still a mystery up to this point, but studies have shown that it is a protection from infestations and other insects and diseases such as blight on the leaves. In order to survive, dwellers in the canopy must have the capability to negotiate these gaps by leaping, climbing, flying, or gliding.

rain forest

The hundreds of thousands of leaves of the canopy, acting as small solar panels, supplies the source of power for the forest by translating sunlight to energy by the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the method by which plants translate atmospheric carbon dioxide and water into simple sugars and oxygen. And because there are high rates of photosynthesis of canopy trees, these plants have higher yield of seeds, leaves, fruits and flowers that support and attract an array of diversity of animal life. Aside from attracting a plethora of wildlife, the canopy plays a crucial role in managing global and regional climate because it is the main site of the heat interchange, atmospheric gases and water vapor.

To add to gathering solar energy and maintaining such climate, the canopy shields the understory from intense and harsh sunlight, heavy rainfall, drying winds, and maintains the moisture of the forest below. Thus, the forest interior is way volatile environment as compared to upper parts of the canopy.

Truly indeed, the beauty of the rainforest through its canopy is a god-given gift. We may not understand its magic, but it is proven to be contributing to the betterment not only of the surroundings inside the canopy, but also beyond it.

“le radeau des cimes” studying the canopy

“le radeau des cimes” studying the canopy

Material Mix: What can you combine with wood?

Wood in itself is considered as beauty. Whether you use it as an ornament or design in your finishes, it will exemplify class and sophistication. Wood has played an important role in giving life to what is probably one of the most sought after field in construction; finishing. However, while wood can stand in itself, sometimes it is exciting to reinvent and incorporate other media. I am talking about fusion between wood and iron, or wood and plastic, what do you think?

Sometimes it takes one soul to be brave enough to try this. Well, basically, this is considered to be the “in” thing at this point - the fusion of conventionality and rustic look.

Wood and Plastic – This is usually prevalent in places with cool climates. Wood and plastic does not really compensate but if you get through the normal motif, you will surely have what you want. White and the natural colors of wood would go along with each other. Cabin houses which have natural wood walls can go along with plastic panels of your windows and door jambs. The stereotype log cabin can be paired with strong plastic fixtures such as window frames, railings, plastic balusters, and the like. It is also considered as an insulator in preventing or minimizing heat.

Not only that, Wood and plastic compensate each other in terms of strength. Aesthetically wise, we do not have any questions if the two will go along. And so as structural matters, as there are hardwoods that can withstand the test of time. But plastics are a very special component that can add sturdiness to the whole structure.

Wood and plastics can also go along with furniture such as bathroom and kitchen fixtures and cabinets. It can complement each other when mixed with other items inside the house. No wonder, this is the conventional thing right now.

Cooperation with our friend at Duakala. Mixing reclaim teak and recycled plastic tile.

Cooperation with our friend at Duakala. Mixing reclaim teak and recycled plastic tile.

Wood and Steel - On the other hand, the “big time” and “go-to” design now especially in the rural areas are rustic design. It is a combination of wood that are reclaimed and give a different level of beauty and rustic steel that would add not only color but depth to the rustic barn design. This is a good combination for furniture such as beds, cabinets, dining table and barn swings. Whatever the color is, there is no way that these two strong elements can conspire to come up with a greater classic but sophisticated design. However, black steel to brown natural wood would be the winner. You cannot go wrong with that kind of combination. You can even design it while your eyes are shut.

Truly indeed, while wood itself is a beauty on its own, you can level it up by incorporating other elements like plastic and steel. What makes it more special is the personal touch that you will give to your design. Never miss the chance to invent and reinvent your house design with the help of wood and its friends; plastic and steel.

DIY wood working

Sustainable waste management: A Tool in Sustainable Development - 2/2

The first part of this article will deliver the strongest sense as to the urgency of leaning towards sustainable development. We cannot therefore sit and watch our world deteriorate in a natural way. We must do something. We must engage in sustainable development as immediate as possible. Now we go to the meat of the topic.


What is sustainable waste management? Basically, there is none sustainable waste management solution which can be the world’s bread and butter. There are still conflicting theories and foresights as to what are more environmentally, practical, advantageous and efficient means of attaining sustainable waste management.

The overall guidelines focuses in attaining sustainable waste management, that have been founded in several years across the entire European Union and a lot more countries are:

·         To lessen the amount of waste that the community produces;

·         To optimally utilize of resources that are naturally produced;

·         To select waste management best practices by which it tends to lessen the risk of drastic and future environmental harm and pollution to human health.

Over the last several decades, the actions required for the waste industry as well as individuals to abide, and those that are most sustainable have been straighten out by the policy makers in the government.

A process of waste disposal for coming up with the option between disposal method and waste treatment which put landfill disposals at the last in the list of probable waste disposal options, has been supplemented throughout the European Union, for utilization by all. It is more commonly known as the waste disposal hierarchy.

Landfill played an important role in this kind of technique in eradicating the residual waste after all pre-treatment of waste has already been taken away as much of the waste stream as possible, but it is a continuous lessening one, and caucus amongst waste experts still remains to be the go-to technique.

Sustainable landfill. Draining bioreactor landfill have been regarded as the sole way to attain sustainable landfills but very real technical issues and quandary prevailed in enhancing these methods, not least getting sufficient clear water for the flushing in the first place.

But, there is an over-all harmony on the objectives of sustainable landfill. Listed below are such:

·         The contents of the landfill must be restricted so that outputs are released outside in a restricted and acceptable way so as not to give drastic outputs.

·         The residues left in the landfill should not give a significant risk to the environment as well as the need for monitoring and aftercare should not be passed on to the generations of tomorrow.

·         Future utilization of groundwater as well as other resources shall not be compromised.

The focal point here is that regulated leakage to the environment can be a lot better as compared to total confinement is gradual enhancement and stabilization is attain without posing any kind of harm being caused.

Earth is the only home available to humankind. Humans are not permanent. So, we better do our part for the next set of humankind.


Sustainable waste management: A Tool in Sustainable Development - 1/2

The first part of this article will strongly pave its way in to using waste management as a strong tool in sustainable development. We encourage you to go over this two-part article to be able to have a full grasp on the effects of waste management and how it can help sustainable development all over the globe.

dirty the wall

Some studies have shown and provide that an optimum definition of sustainable development have been drafted recently, the government of United Kingdom has also defined it and it is found online. But, these definitions should not be left to those who lead the country. The proposition is after all not a complicated task to comprehend and we thought we might contribute to this through this article:

Sustainable development begins with the concept that the sustainable purpose for all is an excellent quality of life for everyone, not only at present but for the future generations. To attain this, sustainable development is focused on attaining economic growth, in the form of enhanced quality of living. It is practically not about saving and scrimping, hair shirts, or punishing ourselves for savoring the natural resources like there is no tomorrow.

But this mainly focus on us protecting and where possible modifying the environment not just for its own sake but for our own self-interest. A damaged environment would retard and slow the growth in terms of economy and decrease the quality of living.

It is regarded as classless and free, because for it to be wholly sustainable, things will just  play in the long term if we ensure that environmental and economic advantages are freely available to the society at large and not just a particular segment of the community. Sustainability has no problem with all the religions so everyone can support it. So it is a common norm that sustainable development must possess four wide parameters:

There are social progress which takes the needs of everyone, the efficient protection of the environment, intelligent utilization of natural resources, and operation of stable and high levels of economic employment and growth.

One of the most fundamental areas for society to sustainably act is in how it throws away its waste, detritus, and thrash. Those that have the potential to contribute major damage are overusing of fossil fuel energy that leads to climate change, and of course, war. Waste management that are not sustainable poisons underground and water courses, leaves litter on the surroundings to kill and maim our forest, welcomes vermin and rats, pollutes air with unhealthy aerosols and odors which may lead to extreme damage or immense unusable large tracts of land.

Now, to be able to aid in sustainable development, one major player is an efficient and enhanced waste management. The next installment of this article will discuss the ins and outs of sustainable waste management. It is simply better to dwell on these things before we are faced with the fact that it is too late. I hope you read the next one.

Waste management, a duty for all!

Waste management, a duty for all!

Wood Shingles and Shakes: Basic and Beyond

When talking about aesthetic appeal, there are several materials that can truly match the attractiveness and exquisiteness of wood shakes and shingles. Majority of wood shingles and shakes came from Western Red Cedar. Others get their shakes from pine of Eastern Cedar. If you look thoroughly, there is a great chance that you can find wood shingles that are made from oak, Cyprus and redwood. Throughout Indonesia Ulin ironwood is the most common shingle.

Ulin ironwood roof

Ulin ironwood roof

Shingles, with their plain finished but elegant style, are produced from big chunks of wood. They come in regular sizes.

Shakes have thick layers but some are cut from chucks of wood, majority are  manufactured manually or by machine into the sizes described above. Further, you have two distinct weight features when purchasing your roof shakes; medium weight or heavy weight. You also have several styles to select from like hand split, hand–split and cut with a smooth bottom, and taper-split. These classes of roofing shakes are the primary concepts in majority of United States Houses for roofing tiles.

Hand-split shakes basically are stronger and can last a significant amount of time as compared to machine-split shakes due to the wood fibers have not been cut which makes them prone to rot. Roof shingles and shakes of these classes normally have a life span ranging from fifteen (15) to twenty five (25) years.

The most sophisticated shakes available in the market are straight grained heartwood as this are made from the immortal and sap-free part of the tree. It is crucial if you live in a place where the climate is humid, it is a bit of a complex in dealing with your roofing shingles with the fungicide after a year. However, it is also an excellent idea to apply a clear wood fungicide and preservatives.

One of the main problems home owners have with roof tiles is the threat of heat and fire. A lot of the wood shingles available in the market at this point have been pressure-handled with the fire retardant chemical. These shingles possess a class “B” fire rating. The only way for you to acquire a class “A” fire rating is to apply retardant-treated shingles at the back of the gypsum board sheathing. Untreated shingles are easy to burn if there is a fire.

On the other hand, for decorative reasons, you can also obtain fancy-but shingles which may come in several sizes. These shingles varies in a lot of patterns and shapes. These classes of wood shingles are generally utilized on exterior walls of a home, but a many roofing companies are doing their might to mix them in to the roofing system.

wood roof

It is best recommended to apply these wood shingles above open sheath which gives freedom for air to circulate to stay away from rotting. However, you can also apply it to closed sheathing but you will make sure the wood shingles or shakes are elevated off the decking for about an inch or two to allow appropriate ventilation with the help of wood spacers.

Sustainable Development and Beyond: The Truth behind all Lies 2/2

In the initial installment of this article, we discussed the primer of sustainable development, its effects and what we can still do to save humankind. Please bear in mind that it’s is never too late. If we can all act on this, we can save the world in no time. Let us continue some of the guidelines that have a major impact on us. Listed below are the rest of it:

·         To avoid Global Warming. Nourishment of the natural resources in the setting avoids global warming. Global warming is a shoot up in the average temperature in the atmosphere mainly focused in the in the rampant boost of climate change in the surroundings. The resultant output is hot and warm climates that tend to extinguish animal and plant species making activities in life a bit of a complex. If the resources in the community are properly regulated, this quandary would be eliminated and resources will be sufficient for the generations of tomorrow.

ying and yang hardwood

·         Avoid bushfires and deforestation. Sustainable development means that those trees that are cut should be replaced and new ones should be planted for continuity. The opposite of deforestation that is the extinction of the plant resources in the surroundings results in bushfires; the burning of the forest results in the exhaustion of natural resources.

In countries near the equator, bushfires and wildfires are very rampant and it needs to be addressed with the help of nearby countries as well.

·         Support self-reliance. The preservation of resources in the environment aids a country to depend on itself without asking help from other communities. Say for example, in the event that a country had preserved its natural resources like rubber, gold, and timber, they would not ask help from other countries. Unluckily at this point, a lot of countries import raw materials from other countries for sustenance of their industries. If in any case a country preserves its natural resources, it would invite self-reliance and the world will surely be a better place to live in.

·         Aid the development of the youth and enhance their artistic talents as well as obtain employable skills to decrease poverty. The youth is possessed with god-given talents and they have the capability to enhance these talents by exploring the environmental resources to produce functional items that can be sold to generate income and decrease poverty in a country. Utilization of reclaimed woods for almost everything can help the environment by immortalizing the use of old woods and earning a significant amount. This is a win-win situation and showcases a simple process of sustainable development. This is also valid for plastic, which waste the world struggle to handle. What about mixing reclaimed materials? That's what we tried with this sample cutting board in collaboration with DuaKala

These discussed parameters channel the requirement to implement measures for sustainable development of the environmental natural resources. The primary guideline is total preservation of the natural resources coupled with discipline among the populace all over the globe. And mind you, the rest will follow. If writing articles such as this will pave a way to open a mind of even one person, we will still continue write as long as it can help the environment, however which way we can.

Reclaimed plastic and hardwood - Credit Duakala

Reclaimed plastic and hardwood - Credit Duakala

Sustainable Development and Beyond: The Truth behind all Lies 1/2

It is high time that we tackle the issues of sustainable development. This two-part article suggests a bird’s eye view of what sustainable development has to offer within the inter-generational populace and the responsibility that one has in order for it to accomplish. It is a common knowledge that the world has been experiencing depletion of its natural resources. But the truth of the matter is, it is not too late for us to save the world.

The initial offering of this write-up discusses the purpose of sustainable developments and how it will affect the lives of the people of tomorrow. And thus, what can we do to make the world a better place to live in today and tomorrow.

Sustainable Development is technical enhancement of structures that thrives to meet the requirements not only of present conditions but of future generations by means of effective maintenance and management of the environmental resources.

The main purpose of sustainable development is to make sure that the present environmental requirements of people do not encroach on those that the future human would also utilize and need. The sustenance is focused on preserving and maintaining the bio-resources that we have now in order for future generations to have sufficient resources. An unsustainable scenario is present when natural capital is utilized rapidly that in can be replaced or replenished.  Sustainability needs that human activity only utilizes natural resources in such a manner that it can be replaced naturally.


Sustainable Development is primordial and crucial to the sustenance and preservation of our optimum natural resources. Some of the considerations and reasons of sustainable development are discussed below:

·         Preserve and possess sufficient resources for the future. It is very essential to sustain the resources in the surroundings to make sure that no shortage will be experienced in the future - in the event that the natural resources are not sustained, future generations will suffer for having insufficient supply.

·         To maintain and uphold the industry’s survival. The Natural resources from the environment are raw supply connecting the numerous industries of the world. Their source of revenue and survival of these industries basically depends on these raw materials gathered from anywhere. It is these materials that are utilized in the production of products for the sustenance and advantage of humanity. If these resources were drawn to be in extinction, there would be a collapse in all of the industries around.


·         To avoid and foil exhaustion of the resources. The resources in the setting are hampered from permanently drying out if the methods of controlling them are enhanced. Sustainable development aids the natural resources to be in uniform supply.

In the next installment of this article, we will continue the other guidelines that have a major impact in the world as a whole. Please stay tuned because you haven’t eaten the best of this. Allow us to walk you through the tunnel of sustainable development. Remember, we only have one home, let’s make it a better place.

Dendrochronology 2/2

Let us now continue on the importance of tree species to be able to utilize dendrochronology at its optimum use. The history of dendrochronology is rich and the last part of this article will focus on the study in the medieval history as well as the present studies and innovation as regards the said technique. Truly indeed, the said process is very useful in all ways that anyone can capitalize on this kind of technique of identifying the age of the wood.

growth ring

Importance of Tree Species: Not all trees can be utilized or measured without added analytical procedures; this is because of the fact that not all trees have cambiums that manifests yearly. In tropical regions, for example, yearly growth rings are not regularly formed, or growth years are not related to years, or there are particularly no rings at all.

Evergreen cambiums are irregular and do not accumulate on a yearly bases. On the other hand, trees in Arctic, sub-arctic and alpine regions react differently depending on the age of the tree. Older trees have minimal water efficiency which in turn may result in a minimal response to temperature changes. A recent attempt to utilize analysis of tree rings on olive trees justified that too much variation of the cambium manifests in olives to make dendrochronology viable.

Emergence of Dendrochronology: Tree dating has been regarded as one of the  earliest dating processed used in archeology, and it was invented by archeologist Clark Wissler and astronomer Andrew Ellicott Douglas in the early decades of the 20th century. Douglass paid close attention in the history of climatic variations manifested in tree rings. Basically, it was Wissler who suggested using the method to specify when adobe pueblos of the American southwest were constructed.

The Beam Journey: Archeologist Neil M. Judd is recognized with convincing the National Geographic Society to put up the first Beam Expedition, in which log sections from occupied pueblos, prehistoric ruins, and mission churches from the American Southwest were recorded and gathered together with those living from the ponderosa pine trees. The width of the tree rings was matched and cross-dated, and by the early 1900s, chronologies were dated back to nearly five hundred years.

A Closer look at the History in Building a Sequence. Over several hundred years or so, sequences on tree rings have been constructed for several species all over the globe with the longest to-date consisting of more than twelve thousand (12,000) years in Central Europe completed on oak trees conducted by Hohenheim Laboratory and a nine thousand year long bristlecone pine wood sequence in California. But accumulating a chronology of climate change in a region at the present time is not regarded privately on tree ring widths.

B&W growth ring

Components like elemental composition called dendrochemistry, wood density, stable isotopes captured within its cells and the anatomical wood features have been utilized in relation with traditional tree ring width analysis to study air pollution effects, changes in soil acidity, and uptake of ozone through time.

A present dendrochronological study of wooden building rafters and artifacts within the Medieval town of Lubeck, Germany is an example of an array of ways the method can be utilized. The medieval history of Lubeck includes several important events that are relative to the study of forests and rings as well as laws passed in the 12th and 13th centuries coming up with sustainability guidelines which resulted from the black death (two big fired in 1251 and 1276 and a population decline between 1340 and 1430).

Construction emerges at Lubeck and are marked by the detailed use of younger trees, which alarmed demand outpacing the capability of the forests to replenish; busts like after the Black Death decreased the population, are linked by a long period of less to no construction at all, together with the use of adult and very old trees.

In some of the lucrative houses, the wood rafters utilized during construction were cut down at different periods, some ranging from more than a year; while other houses were cut down at the similar time.

Dendrochronology - 1/2

The first part of this two-part presentation will open your eyes to the importance of this process. It is very useful in all ways to determine the age not only of the tree, but on the wooden furniture and items as well.

Dendrochronology is the process of analyzing patterns of tree rings in wood to be able to know the specific age of the wood. It has been utilized for a long period of time in scientific research like archeology and geography. It can also be utilized to know when a wooden furniture or instrument was made. Auction houses, historians and violin appraisers utilize it to determine the wood quality as well as the age of furniture and instruments like violins, cellos and violas.

History tree

The process of dendrochronology initiates by scrutinizing spruce top of the wood, or a violin for instance or high resolution digital photos of the items. Foe each year a tree lives, one layer develops below the bark of the tree which creates a ring. Tree rings consists of double layers of wood, a “lighter” early wood and the “darker” late wood. The importance and distinction of each layers varies and is dependent on rain, soil and light that the tree was exposed year round.

In other words, dendrochronology is the scientific term for tree-ring dating. It is the formal way that utilizes growth tree rings as a specific record of climatic changes in a region, as well as a way to estimate the construction date for wooden furniture.

As archeological processes go, dendrochronology is practically accurate: if the tree rings in the furniture are preserved and can be tied within the exisiting chronology, researchers can basically specify the accurate calendar year and often season where the tree was cut down to manufacture the item. Because of that accuracy, dendrochronology is utilized to measure radiocarbon dating, by supplying science a measure of the atmospheric conditions which are prone to varying radiocarbon dates.

Radiocarbon dates which have been calibrated or measured by contrasting dendrochronological records are regarded by acronyms like cal BP, or calibrated years before the present.

On the other hand, Tree ring dating works because a tree grows bigger not only in terms of height but it also accumulates girths in measurable rings in its lifetime. The rings are considered the cambium layer, a ring of cells that lie between the bark and wood from which a new bark and wood cells begin; each year, a new cambium emerges which leaves the old one in place. The cambium’s cell is measured as the width of each tree ring.

Environmental effects in to the cambium are initially regional climatic variations, aridity, soil chemistry and changes in temperature which altogether are scrutinized as variations in the width of a specific ring, in the wood structure or density or in the chemical composition of the call walls. In truth, during dry years, the cambium’s cells are smaller and thinner layers will manifest as compared to wet years.

reclaiming history

On the next part of this article, we will discuss the importance of tree species and the emergence of dendrochronology as an essential process.

Primary and Secondary Forests: the differences to know.

Rainforest do exist in temperate climates!

They are rainforests in many countries and while popular belief is that they exist only in tropical climates, they also do temperate climates, including in the United States, Russia or Canada. Rainforests grow thick canopied thanks to the abundant rainfall, which create an amazing diversity of both vegetal and animal species, In temperate climates, there isn't however that characteristical humidity of tropical rainforests as they grow with different parameters such as latitude, altitude, flooding or types of soil. These forests come up with a mosaic of vegetation classes, a diversity found nowhere else and....that shall be protected at all costs. Sadly, the famous case of the Amazon forest whose size is shirking at a fast pace every year is happening in many other places such as Indonesia, where Kaltimber is located.

The "primary forest”, humanity's biodiversity's vault

Rainforests are also called "Primary Forests" thanks to their pristine untouched vegetation because unaffected by any human activity. Primary full ceiling canopy and multiple layers of understory are prevalent in primary rainforests. The ground floor is basically clear of heavy vegetation because the above canopy allows limited sunlight penetration, the lifeline of plants growth. Periodically, when trees fall, the canopy opens and allows the growth of plants. Primary forests are considered to be the most biologically diverse class of forests and to the surprise of many, they still exist in Europe.


Secondary Forest, a human-caused definition.

On the other hand, secondary forests are rainforests that have been disturbed by human activity in a way or another. Secondary forests often become so because of logging activity for agricultural purposes and are characterized by a minimal canopy structure, less diversity and smaller trees. As a result of a lighter canopy, more warmth and light will reach the floor which supports ground vegetation's growth.

Secondary Forest, Ecuador (Austin State University, 2016)

Secondary Forest, Ecuador (Austin State University, 2016)

Based on studies, from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, it was estimated that primary forest comprises about 1/3 of the total forest area. However, they are rapidly decreasing at a rate of 6 million hectares each year because of intensive logging, usually focusing on the harvesting of a couple of tree species in a particular area.

Botanists do not know how long it takes for the secondary forest to reach the levels and structures of biodiversity as primary forest. Studies have shown that trees in the Central Amazon forest, on the average, are several hundred years old, suggesting that primary forests take centuries to grow to the level we are witnessing them today.

Regardless of what class or type of forest we are talking about, what is important is to contribute to nature and buy wooden products bearing the label FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), an international non-profit promoting responsible management of the world’s forests.